Toronto Startup Hooks Up with Youth Group to Create Virtual Citizen Program
Toronto-based startup Locolo is partnering up with the Coalition of Youth Councils (CYC) to create the Virtual Citizen Program…
Toronto-based startup Locolo is partnering up with the Coalition of Youth Councils (CYC) to create the Virtual Citizen Program…
Startup Canada is up to it again. Today the national, entrepreneur-led and volunteer-run organization that promotes startups…
Four Montreal organizers are excited to bring back the annual TechNoel startup Christmas bash. The BetaKit-sponsored event…
Calgary-based visual search platform Slyce, which enables consumers to buy any item they see in the real world simply by…
The first three quarters of 2013 has turned out to be a pretty good for Quebec in terms of venture capital being invested-…
Toronto-based startup TouchBistro has raised $4.5 million in venture capital from several sources. The round was led by Relay…
Twitter has over 232 million active users and the company is on an upward trajectory. Usage for its quick messaging service…
I’ve just finished sitting on a judging panel, and reading a stack of applications from eager entrepreneurs looking for funding.…
Deloitte has released its yearly Fast50 list of overachieving Canadian startups and other companies for 2013. Since its inception…
The Canadian Digital Media Network (CDMN), organizers of the popular Soft Landing Program for startups, has announced today…
Montreal-based flash sale eretailer Beyond The Rack announced this morning it has released its mobile app compatible with iPhone…
Ottawa-based startup Elliptic Technologies, a leading provider of security for digital content, today announced $4 million…
So this is kind of funny, but also kind of not funny if you have to actually use it. Basically, if you get fired, and you want…
Bionym, the company behind the Nymi heartbeat authentication bracelet set to disrupt the authentication and password space,…
Hype Badger cofounder Brad Rach told us that too many times while following favourite bands he’s missed out on the album…