Calgary’s Slyce Raises $10.75 Million from Beacon Securities and More
Calgary-based startup Slyce has added $10.75 million in venture capital to its arsenal. PI Financial, Salman Partners, Harrington…
Calgary-based startup Slyce has added $10.75 million in venture capital to its arsenal. PI Financial, Salman Partners, Harrington…
Toronto-based marketplace for tasks, AskForTask, has raised $500,000 in funding and is announcing an April app launch. The…
It’s not too often that we get to hear about three separate web agencies in the marketing and development space merge…
Every year Ernst & Young (EY) professional services firm throw a Canada-wide contest aimed at honouring the nation’s…
The town of Stratford, Ontario may soon be known for something other than Biebs and the Shakespeare Festival. That’s…
In a recent survey, over 54 percent of respondents indicated they felt Millennials are the most challenging to engage and lead…
Hamiltonian serial entrepreneur Jim Rudnick has launched a new crowdfunding site for Hamilton entrepreneurs and makers to…
Collaboration is about taking action, and so many important technologies exist because business, academia, and government find…
Propel ICT and its New Brunswick-based startup accelerator Launch36 have grand visions for tech innovation in the Maritimes…
Current Next 36 cohort member Thomas Lee told us that he and his friends were trying to figure out the perfect app idea back…
The Consulate General of Canada in San Francisco is accepting applications from Canadian life sciences companies for the Canadian…
An interesting report from CBC Manitoba this month brought our attention to one New Jersey-based startup that has a ton of…
Social graces are going down the toilet in 2014 and we blame our devices. We blame social media and we blame ourselves. Should…
The government of Ontario has announced the six winners of the Energy Apps for Ontario Challenge. The innovative new apps…
One of the best parts about the tech game is it doesn’t really have any exclusivity. It’s not like those pretentious…