Coursera Names Toronto Among New Learning Hub Locations
Coursera, the Silicon Valley-based education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide to offer…
Coursera, the Silicon Valley-based education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide to offer…
The Vanhawks Valour smartbike has officially blown by its initial crowdfunding goal, doubling up on its $100,000 target on…
Every year Accelerate Okanagan selects 15 high-performing startups from across Canada and fly them out to British Columbia’s…
Several Montreal startup leaders will chat about the power of innovation and creativity in business this Thursday night Novotel…
Staples is about to acquire Vancouver’s PNI Digital Media for $74 million, at a value of CDN$1.70 per share. Large companies…
If there’s one guy who knows a thing or two about building up a startup it might be current Bionym president Andrew D’Souza.…
According to Artlocal CEO Sean Green, online sales from art work is pegged to rise to almost $2.1 billion over the next few…
A Toronto man has launched a “Netflix for the blind” in the form of Zagga Entertainment, a video-on-demand platform…
Two Canadian startups are currently competing in the Launch: Silicon Valley World Cup Tech Challenge. The companies are Toronto-based…
There’s a high-priced coding school battle going on in Canada and the three companies pitted against each other, Bitmaker…
Remember the days when we had to lift the huge encyclopedia off of the book shelf in order to search for a concept? At my…
Launch Academy has launched its annual student startup challenge to post-secondary students and recent grads to embrace entrepreneurship…
Tinkerine Studios Ltd. (TSX-V: TTD), a Canadian 3D printer company that manufactures and distributes 3D printers and software,…
On a call with Ben Morris, the Boltmade founder revealed to BetaKit that his startup grew from four to 12 people over the past…
Drew Green’s has raised $31 million in venture capital from Shaw Ventures, an affiliate of Shaw Communications…