Toronto Edtech Startup Raises $1 Million, Changes Name That Was Previously Really Bad
Toronto-based startup Class Messenger, formerly called WDWDT? (“What Did We Do Today?) has raised $1 million in funding from…
Toronto-based startup Class Messenger, formerly called WDWDT? (“What Did We Do Today?) has raised $1 million in funding from…
The Quebec-based, provincially funded Prêt à entreprendre support program has unveiled its second cohort of entrepreneurs.…
MaRS Discovery District is set to bring back Entrepreneurship 101 beginning September 25. Now in its 9th year (not all of which…
Earlier today I wrote for The Financial Post that Cisco is reportedly interested in entering Canada as a limited partner,…
The MaRS Discovery District in Toronto is holding its free Energy Hackathon this weekend. Approximately 150 developers, designers,…
MasterCard is throwing a party and they want as many ladies as possible to attend. Just a few days we reported on several initiatives…
Money seems to be flying around Montreal these days. The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) and the Fonds de Solidarité…
A new Canadian post-secondary program that focuses on wireless networks and systems has officially launched on the heels of…
The Waterloo-based Communitech innovation hub officially launched its “Women in Technology” project yesterday. The 36-month,…
Toronto-based innovation firm Kinetic Café is teaming up with Freshii, a leader in healthy fast food, to offer a health, food…
Young entrepreneurs, engineers and coders who dream to make Minority Report a reality will have their chance at The Next 36’s…
Looking for a massive amount of inspiration to give your start-up a boost? No, not Tony Robbins, but Jack Dorsey, co-founder…
We’re incredibly proud to announce that BetaKit is the official online sponsor of the upcoming MasterCard N>XT Developer…
Waterloo-based Printchomp has been busy over the past 12-months. The ‘customized goods search engine for the print industry’…
The Communitech Hub in Waterloo is breeding many new startups and Intel has expanded their role to help bolster their ideas.…