Just Eat launches mobile app, aims to process $50 million worth of food orders
One of the easiest tasks in the world got a little bit easier today, as the Canadian branch of JUST-EAT.ca, a food delivery…
One of the easiest tasks in the world got a little bit easier today, as the Canadian branch of JUST-EAT.ca, a food delivery…
Some debates end in a draw. There’s no right answer, and there’s no definitive winner. Is entrepreneurship a function…
A Mississauga-based company that provides mobile solutions for humanitarian aid workers received a $900,000 grant today from…
Every US bill in circulation has the words “In God We Trust” printed on them. In reality, when it comes to our…
After passing the ultimate test, successfully keeping its lights on while the rest of the area remained in darkness, Canadian…
Communitech, a Warterloo-based hub for the region’s emerging and established technology community, announced today a new…
The publishing industry is currently experiencing turmoil it hasn’t seen since the invention of the printing press, but one…
Canadian startup Shopify – who recently acquired Jet Cooper – announced the introduction of Shopify Payments today,…
Over the weekend Toronto was home to Startup Weekend Toronto EDU, a 3-day event that saw 12 education startups pitch their…
A few weeks ago The Globe reported that Keek, a free popular video sharing platform, was on the cusp of raising a ‘sizeable’…
TandemLaunch announced the closing of a $5 million commitment from BDC Venture Capital, an investment matched by angels and…
Next Tuesday is a big day for The Next 36 as 18 startups will pitch their ideas to a few angel investors and VCs. The Next…
With monthly recurring revenue streams and potential subscriber lock in’s, the 13 billion dollar home security space has…
Not long ago most people trusted their precious data to a single cloud storage provider, be it DropBox or Google Drive or one…
For people seeking quiet spaces to work or relax in the hustle and bustle of New York City, Julien Smith, an author and former…