Following shutdown, co-founder Sean Clark says company did “too much too fast”
In January, announced that it would be shutting down its operations by taking its three properties —,…
In January, announced that it would be shutting down its operations by taking its three properties —,…
Alex Cruise, architect and development manager at Splunk, joins host Drew Ogryzek to discuss the development culture, organizational…
This week, two Canadian startups got a boost with rounds of funding. Here’s the latest on who raised how much, and from whom.…
This week, two Canadian startups in the retail space have announced new features and funds. Here’s the latest on Canada’s…
Special guest Alejandro Lujan joins host Drew Ogryzek to discuss the programming language Scala, and the types of problems…
Whether you’re running a logistics startup or breaking ground in healthcare wearables, founders need to encourage problem-solving,…
Brittany Whitmore of Exvera Communications joins host Drew Ogryzek to discuss PR in the world of tech, including 3D printing,…
Amazon is on the verge of closing leasing deals to open new offices in Toronto and Vancouver, according to a report by The…
Vancouver-based Picniic, a digital platform that brings families’ activities and data into one single platform, has launched…
New Jersey’s Verizon Ventures, a VC arm of Verizon, and R/GA have announced the eight startups that are participating…
Vancouver-based Koho is hiring a Toronto team. The company is hiring for 18 positions across departments like engineering,…
This week, several Canadian startups have made announcements, launching new features, partnerships, and more. Here’s the…
Vancouver-based Mio Global, which offers heart rate monitoring wristbands and watches, announced that Peter Taylor has been…
RentMoola has raised a $5 million funding round led by Calgary-based TriView Capital. The company said the funding will further…
Victory Square has announced the creation of a new venture arm, Victory Square Health. Victory Square said the new venture…