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Top Stories of the Week
Sidewalk Labs pulls commitment to Quayside Venture Partners, as investors look to launch new fund(BETAKIT)
Sidewalk Labs has decided not to move forward with its previously announced investment fund, Quayside Venture Partners (QVP), BetaKit has learned.
As Trump suspends H-1B visa, Canadian tech looks to attract foreign talent (again)(BETAKIT)
Trump cited the need to preserve jobs amid the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic as the reason for the suspension.
With the US turning away talent, can Canada grab the global lead on innovation during COVID-19?(BETAKIT)
Are we ready to capitalize on this new normal ushered in by COVID-19, and can we take the steps now to lay the foundation to sustain this in the future?
Trudeau highlights importance of Canadian tech in COVID-19 response at Collision from Home(BETAKIT)
“We knew, first of all, [that] science and data and technology was going to be key to getting us through this.”
Latest Funding, Acquisitions, and Layoffs
Solink raises $23M Series B (Read here)
Sidewalk Labs reportedly lays off 20 employees (Read here)
Adaptiiv wins $100,000 in funding (Read here)
Facebook commits $1M in funding to ShopHERE (Read here)
Librestream raises $24M Series D (Read here)
Cyclica raises $23M Series B (Read here)
Humi raises $15M Series A (Read here)

Bruce Croxon and Vidyard CFO Matt Hodgson share tips for building resilient SaaS startups(BETAKIT)
Sage Intacct hosted a webinar with Bruce Croxon and Matt Hodgson to explain what SaaS founders can do to build resilience into their organizational models.
When the pandemic hit in mid-March, within days, so too did the layoffs. Since that time, many organizations have stepped up to support the newly jobless.
Amoye Henry and Danielle Graham discuss the underlying social problems that prompted Amoye’s BetaKit op-ed “The horrifying truth about being a Black woman founder in Canada” and potential solutions.
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