Ask @StartupCFO: What’s the path to an acquihire?
No one starts a company in order to sell it for talent. But unfortunately, not everyone makes it to the Unicorn promised land,…
No one starts a company in order to sell it for talent. But unfortunately, not everyone makes it to the Unicorn promised land,…
It’s 2017. If you still run around the office, whisper about your coworkers’ lives, and snicker in the hallways, this…
Wait, that can’t be right, can it? Longtime readers with a good memory and a handful of fingers should be able to count five…
Is stealing ideas the best way to innovate? “Talent imitates; Genius steals.” Variously attributed to T.S. Eliot, Oscar…
There’s a strange dance that startups weave when it comes time to think about exit strategy. If you actually approach buyers…
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before… We’re a modern company and we’re blowing everything up. We don’t care…
Earlier this week, Airbnb finalized its rumoured acquisition of Montreal-based vacation rental startup, Luxury Retreats. iNovia…
I’ve been back at work post-mat leave for a few weeks now. I’m deep in ramp mode and trying to get back in the flow of…
I’m gonna make this one quick, because I know you’ve got a lot going on. You’re not as smart as you think you are. Don’t…
Pour lire cet article en français, cliquez ici. Despite 2016 being labelled the worst year ever in terms of politics…
I came to Canada on a weird little carve out of NAFTA — a small provision for Management Consultants. This allowed me…
Pour lire cet article en français, cliquez ici. The Canadian tech community comprises many different nationalities,…
Last year, I wrote an article about the 11 Canadian tech companies to watch in 2016, which highlighted tech companies of all…
I build teams that build products. It’s my thing that I do. Engineering, design, marketing, and product management. That’s…
We’ve experienced some incredible technological and societal changes throughout 2015 and 2016. Circular and sharing economies,…