Qriffic puts an end to wait times, brings joy to customers via text alerts
Tom Petty once sang “the waiting is the hardest part.” He was speaking about a girl, but waiting – for anything…
The summer months beckon for pick-up games, be it on a basketball court or a football field. There is something refreshing…
Waterloo-based Printchomp has been busy over the past 12-months. The ‘customized goods search engine for the print industry’…
Founder and CEO Douglas Lusted is just heading into his third year at University of Waterloo and has already completed his…
Few words in startup marketing conjure up as much confusion as the word “launch”. For some, launch is a one-day event that…
Stephen Lake, Matthew Bailey and Aaron Grant have had an incredible year since starting Thalmic Labs. Apparently when they…
Foodo, which is available on iOS devices, gives users the ability to discover local restaurants, browse their menu, place a…
When BetaKit launched in February 2012 it was to fill a hole we thought existed in online startups and technology reporting.…
It takes courage and determination to start your own business. Being a startup is a tough choice, it can sometimes be very…
Toronto-based Flixel launched in early 2012 as part of an initial wave of video-centric mobile social networks. Battling with…
After deciding to drop Google Maps as their mapping service on iOS devices, Apple’s first foray into Maps was a definitive…
Toronto-based AcuityAds has received an injection of $3 million from VC firm BEST Funds. Acuity was founded in 2009 and has…
Over $100,000 is on the table for a select few start-ups who’ll be pitching their ideas during the Spring 2013 VeloCity…
The team at Startup Canada have launched their 1000 Startup initiative. A huge undertaking that aims to highlight 1,000 Canadian…
BDC Venture Capital has announced a $1.5 million investment into 10 Canadian start-ups, each receiving $150,000. BDC declared…