Lighthouse Labs launches Canadian university coding competition

lighthouse labs vancouver

Lighthouse Labs has launched CanUCode, a coding competition for Canadian universities. The competition begins today and allows students to take part in an introductory coding module involving HTML and CSS essentials.

CanUCode is designed to promote digital literacy, geared towards assisting students develop technical skills for after graduation.

Students in computer science or engineering may take on the role of a Code Mentor, where they take on the responsibility of answering questions and assisting other students through the 10 hour module.

Students with a non-tech background may register as a Code Learner, where they complete the module themselves.

The final project involves students building their own web page. Each Code Mentor earns a point for their team when they complete the mentor training module and the 10 hour learning module. Code learners earn one point each when they also complete the 10 hour learning module.

The school with the most points will win a $3,000 to go towards the school, with a runner up prize of $1,500. Other prizes include a $500 restaurant gift card and a $100 Amazon gift card. Upon completion, students receive a certificate of completion as a Code Mentor or a Code Learner.

Canadian coding bootcamp Lighthouse Labs created CanUCode in order to promote digital literacy, geared towards assisting students develop technical and soft skills they can use after graduation.

This announcement comes after Lighthouse Labs partnered with Kids Code Jeunesse to launch Code Create Tech, a campaign to give teachers the computational skills to teach coding.

Last December, Lighthouse Labs invested $150,000 into a coding scholarship program for underrepresented groups in tech. In the same year, the Vancouver-based bootcamp announced its Blockchain for Developers course, a 12-week part-time course for developers who want to specialize in blockchain tech.

CanUCode starts today and runs through until March 25.

Disclosure: BetaKit operates within Lighthouse Labs’ Devhub co-working space in Toronto.


Sera Wong

Heyo, Sera here. I love infographics, organizing data, and making lists. I’m an avid lover of cats. Please send cat pics my way at @Sera_wong on Twitter.

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