Waterloo Startup Connects Internet of Things to the Live Sporting Experience
It’s a connected world, according to Waterloo startup StartLight Labs Inc. The company wants to bring hardware beacons,…
It’s a connected world, according to Waterloo startup StartLight Labs Inc. The company wants to bring hardware beacons,…
Three startups were selected as winners of VentureLynx‘s “Ready for Funding” Competition. Altranex, an innovator…
SoapBox, the Toronto startup that a social media platform that allows its employees to suggest, discuss and vote on ideas,…
Toronto-based venture capital firm Georgian Partners and ScribbleLive, a content engagement platform, held a live online chat…
BrightLane, an upcoming Toronto coworking space at the corner of King St. West and Spadina Avenue, wants to build something…
When one initially tries to enter Circo de Bakuza‘s website, a authentic-looking warning warns web-surfers that they’ve…
Toronto’s real-time in-store marketing startup Aislelabs has partnered with Toronto-based self-serve programmatic ad…
Vancouver entrepreneur Trevor Patterson got a big boost last week when the Globe and Mail ran a feature on his new ecommerce…
Editor’s note: The Canadian startup community’s (and beyond) greatest attribute is its greatest fault: its positivity.…
Canadians have a right to remain anonymous on the Internet and police cannot obtain information about individuals from their…
The second part of a new report on the state of Canadian media, tabled by MaRS Market Insights, warns that perhaps Canadian…
Vancouver startup QuickMobile was named as the number 5 company on Canadian Business and PROFITguide.com’s PROFIT 500…
GeoDigital, an Ottawa-based provider of next‐generation 4D Geospatial imaging and business intelligence solutions, has raised…
Waterloo’s Accelerator Centre, known to only graduate a few select startups at a time, is ready to graduate its latest…
There’s yet another watch on Kickstarter developed by Canadian brainiacs, and this one is following along the minimalist…