Velocity’s Wes Worsfold understands your startup pain

VeloCity Garage Work Area

While Director Mike Kirkup talks a big game about Velocity’s capacity to scale startup community, being in the community is not necessarily part of his day-to-day responsibilities. That task falls to Wes Worsfold, who is the go-to resource for startups in the Velocity Garage.

In this audio interview, Worsfold explains how the needs of startups in the University of Waterloo incubator change over time, from “getting their product complete, determining who their target audience is, and developing a plan to get to that target audience” to questions of company culture and fundraising.

Having participated in three startups himself, Worsfold is qualified to recognize and steer first-time entrepreneurs away from the common mistakes he calls “deadly.” But as Worsfold told BetaKit, oftentimes being a sounding board to help companies work it through themselves is his most important role.

“It’s all the stuff that happens in-between that’s important,” he said.

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