Dialogue, LifeSpeak struggle to please shareholders with first quarter 2022 results
Both healthtech companies noted user-driven revenue growth while share prices continue to tumble.
Both healthtech companies noted user-driven revenue growth while share prices continue to tumble.
Net income is another matter.
Montréal’s Lighthouse Labs aims to “be the Google” for virtual worlds. What the hell does that mean?
This is the second Georgian-led round for the industrial tech startup.
Points hopes to surf the wave of the post-pandemic travel boom.
Investor says Tengiva is “at the right place at the right time.”
Lightspeed Retail launch follows company’s recent C-Suite shakeup.
Boundless claims no competition, targeting aspiring digital nomads with children.
Waabi founder among Elevate’s speakers, while Startupfest’s lineup includes Phoenix Fire co-founders, Paper CEO.
The Montréal and European investors are focused on mitigating climate change.
Revelations marks the Grant+ program’s pivot to innovation and tech companies.
Dialogue’s largest acquisition continues company’s pre-and-post-IPO spree.
When Emma expanded from a broker to building its own insurance products, “everything started clicking.”
Technical staff from Shopify, Gorgias, Checkout, and Designstripe all invest in Matrix Partners-led round.
Cluster partners with MaRS to support second Supply AI cohort.