Last month, BetaKit Incorporated celebrated its fifth birthday.1
It’s a major milestone for any company, let alone an independent Canadian media company.
Much of that time is a blur, but a few things stand out: the stories that garnered national and international2 attention; our first steps beyond straight news reporting into long-form content; the investigative work following our first (unsuccessful) legal threat; the times BetaKit has acted as the voice of the Canadian tech ecosystem; and the times we’ve been able to act as a mirror.
Most importantly for any young business, we survived. In an era when the Canadian media space is rampant with mass job loss and shuttered publications, survival is a point of pride.
But it’s not enough.
Support means more reporters in tech hubs across the country, more long-form content and investigative work, and more news products you’ve told us you want.
Looking to the next five years, BetaKit remains committed to in-depth reporting on Canadian tech, innovation, and our startup ecosystem. But we also want to elevate the current state of Canadian tech journalism, and that requires expanding our capabilities.
That means: more reporters in tech hubs across the country; more long-form content and investigative work; and more news products you’ve told us you want (yes, including a daily newsletter).
To do that, BetaKit needs your support.
The most significant way to support BetaKit is through a monthly recurring or annual contribution via our newly-launched Patreon. Those who prefer a one-time payment can send PayPal or e-Transfers to
All proceeds from the BetaKit Patreon will go towards enhancing and expanding our editorial operations (you can see our current fundraising goals and their progress listed on the page). The Patreon features support tiers and benefits for both individual and organizational supporters in our ecosystem, which we will update regularly based upon feedback from our readers (for more detailed info on each, check out our FAQ).

As an independent media publication, BetaKit takes its journalistic integrity very seriously. With the launch of our Patreon, we want to be 100 percent clear: support of BetaKit in no way guarantees coverage in our publication, positive or otherwise. To be as transparent as possible, BetaKit will also publicly disclose all organizations that provide support via Patreon so our readers never have to wonder.
We’ve thought long and carefully about the best approach to ask for and receive support from Canada’s innovation ecosystem. We believe a transparent and public process, focused solely on improving our reporting of that ecosystem, is preferable to financing BetaKit’s growth through means that might strain our editorial independence, such as equity investments from those we cover.
We also believe that in order for BetaKit to remain the publication of record for the Canadian tech ecosystem, it must remain open and accessible, not locked behind a paywall. With the direct support of our readers, BetaKit’s reporting can remain fiercely independent and freely accessible.
I hope you choose to support BetaKit’s ongoing work with a contribution. If you can’t, simply sharing this article, sharing our stories, or subscribing to our podcast or newsletters can make a meaningful impact. If you have questions or comments, please email us at
We are grateful you choose us as your source for Canadian tech and startup news. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Douglas Soltys
Editor-in-Chief, BetaKit
Founder, BetaKit Incorporated
1 BetaKit the publication also celebrated its ninth birthday last month. That long story is explained in more detail here.
2 Being messaged by a friend in Brazil and told he just saw a BetaKit story cited live on CNN in Portuguese certainly qualifies as a standout moment.
3 Those interested in advertising on BetaKit or learning more about sponsored activities can always reach out to