On Tuesday night, Ryerson University’s student chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) hosted an event exploring the intersection of fashion and technology.
More than 150 people gathered in the Sears Atrium building to discover the future possibilities for wearable technology. Seasoned companies like Muse and MeU showcased their products alongside startups from the Ryerson Fashion Zone and the Department of Computer Science.
While fashion and engineering students don’t normally brush elbows, the burgeoning industry of wearable technology is demanding these two disciplines create and collaborate together.
“We wanted to show students the possibility and potential for wearable technology” said co-organizer Corronzo Downey. “We also wanted to seize the opportunity to bring different disciplines together and introduce people to new advancements in technology.”
Amanda Rebecca Cosco is a multimedia journalist focused on the intersection of fashion and technology. To pitch her a story, email her at amandarebeccacosco@gmail.com. Catch her on Twitter @AmandaCosco
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