PitchIt series comes to Durham region

PitchIt, an interactive pitch event designed to connect entrepreneurs with potential clients and angel investors, will be taking place at Durham College in Oshawa this week.

PitchItDurham will involve six to eight startups pitching for three minutes to two angel investors, two business leaders, and a live audience. Additionally, there will be a showcase of over 20 regional startups, followed by networking.

The PitchIt series was brought to the Durham region through a partnership formed by Open People Network, an organization of angel investors dedicated to accelerating growth, as well as FastStart Durham College, a program designed to help students launch their own business, and OPG X-Lab, a division of Ontario Power Generation (OPG).

Startups will pitch for three minutes to two angel investors, two business leaders, and a live audience.

Although the OPG X-Lab develops tech for the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, the lab will be attending the event, and looking into innovation and business ideas that go beyond the nuclear tech space. Durham College said the lab will be using PitchItDurham as a talent pool for interns, entrepreneurs, and businesses that they can help develop.

Entrepreneurs and members of the public are welcome to attend. PitchItDurham will be taking place at the Centre for Collaborative Education at Durham College, on March 27 from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tickets are free, but registration for the event is required and available here.

A PitchIt Workshop will be hosted on the same day and the organization stated that participants can register for the free one hour workshop on how to communicate business ideas to investors. Interested individuals can find the registration here.

PitchIt is still currently accepting applications from any type of business. The series will be taking place throughout the year at various venues, including YSpace Markham, Toronto City Hall, and Seneca.

Featured image courtesy Durham College.


Sera Wong

Heyo, Sera here. I love infographics, organizing data, and making lists. I’m an avid lover of cats. Please send cat pics my way at @Sera_wong on Twitter.

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