Kik investing $12 million towards improving user safety with Kin

Kik's cryptocurrency

Kik has formed a safety advisory board and earmarked $12 million CAD for a safety initiative.

Over the next 18 months, Kik will use the investment to build expanded user controls, improved user safety education, and outreach, as well as a more comprehensive content moderation program.

“Kik stands by our $10 million (USD) commitment to trust and safety,” said Ted Livingston, CEO and founder of Kik. “Due to the infancy of the industry, most cryptocurrency companies are not ready or able to tackle safety issues. However, Kik finds itself in the position to be able to build safety into Kin from the beginning and create the most trustworthy cryptocurrency as part of increasing mainstream consumer adoption and success.”

Kik will leverage its safety advisory board’s individual and collective expertise to help shape its safety strategy both for Kik and for Kin. The safety board’s members include:

  • Anne Collier, a youth and digital media expert, executive director of The Net Safety Collaborative and founder of Collier serves on similar boards for Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter.
  • Brooke Istook, director of strategy and operations at Thorn, an organization committed to leveraging technology in order to combat online child exploitation, accelerate victim identification, and protect vulnerable children.
  • Hemu Nigam, CEO and founder of SSP Blue, a leading advisory firm for online safety, security, and privacy challenges facing governments and corporations. Nigam is a former federal prosecutor against child and computer crimes for the US Department of Justice and headed up safety organizations at Microsoft and News Corp.
  • Justin Patchin, a criminal justice professor at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire with a Ph.D in the field. Justin co-founded the Cyberbullying Research Center and has written numerous books on the topic of cyberbullying to help teens navigate challenging online problems with his partner, Sameer Hinduja.

“Bringing the digital safety discussion to cryptocurrency and baking safety into its new currency, Kin, is groundbreaking work on Kik’s part,” said Anne Collier, executive director of The Net Safety Collaborative. “Arguably, there is no more important contribution to the global digital currency marketplace than to create industry best practices around consumer safety, especially as mainstream uptake grows. I’m excited to be part of this work as a member of Kik’s new Safety Advisory Board.”

Users looking for more information can check the board’s safety website.

Jessica Galang

Jessica Galang

Freelance tech writer. Former BetaKit News Editor.

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