Honourable Moridi says Communitech is ‘a unique place”

Communitech in Waterloo has been open since 1997 and has successfully helped thousands of companies launch their ideas. For the first time, Honourable Reza Moridi, Minister of Research and Innovation for the Province of Ontario, visited the hub and stated the environment that has been created there is “So far so fabulous. I’m very much impressed to see all these companies and talented people. This is a unique place.”

Moridi also visited the Institute for Quantum Computing, Wilfrid Laurier University, Google’s Waterloo office. Waterloo has become one of the fastest growing start-up centres in Canada. Moridi stated that “You don’t see very many places that have all of this. Waterloo is a unique place. You have fundamental research going in Waterloo. In the meantime you have commercialization of research going on, (of) which Communitech is a good example. It seems to me in Waterloo Region we have the whole chain of innovation, which begins with imagination and dreaming and the very basic theory up to commercialization and the products which come out of those very basic sciences. We have the whole chain here.”


Ian Hardy

Ian is publisher at MobileSyrup. He's been quietly creating and building things for years and is completely addicted to Tim Hortons.

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