Academics, CEOs push for AI regulation, as Canadian companies race to adopt the technology
Ada, AlayaCare, Hootsuite, and Unbounce have all rolled out new AI products.
Ada, AlayaCare, Hootsuite, and Unbounce have all rolled out new AI products.
Yield Exchange won two pitch competitions at SAAS NORTH 2022, taking home $110,000.
KB Nam was hired as interim president following two previous leadership departures.
Gopal previously helped create Okanagan’s first startups accelerator.
Omy launched its AI virtual skin consultant in 2020.
M&A key part of Certn’s strategy as it looks to expand in Europe, Africa, Asia.
Medfar was built by two aeronautical engineers who wanted to digitize health clinics
Optable is backed by a group of corporate venture investors.
Fairly wants to accelerate the broad use of fair and responsible AI.
Diederik van Liere joins startup as new CTO.
General Assembly saw an over 40 percent decline in revenue from its frozen pizzas.
Prominent YouTubers Kavos and Yo Mama have also taken issue with BBTV’s policies.
Wu will remain at organization’s helm during CEO transition.
The Sustainability Venture Fund is set to complement BDC’s $400 million Climate Tech Fund.
Miovision is buying Global Traffic Technologies for $107 million USD.