A new year is finally upon us, and with a new year comes new tech trends, new ideas, and most importantly… new year’s resolutions.
This week kicked off the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada. The showcase is world-renowned and is often an accurate predictor of the year’s tech trends. This year’s CES has been teeming with Alexa-integrated products, leaving the team to wonder if Amazon’s entrant is now the voice-activated assistant leader.
The CanCon podcast crew then takes a step back from tech trends to talk tech wages and whether a move to the Valley is as alluring as it seems in 2017. Stephen Lake, co-founder of Thalmic Labs, has penned an article taking a realistic look at the difference in wages between Silicon Valley and Kitchener-Waterloo, measured against cost of living. CanCon’s team just wants to know where they’ll get the most bang for their hard earned buck.
The CRTC was not one to be left out of 2017 new year’s resolutions, resolving to make broadband internet access a basic service Canada-wide this year. The team does a breakdown of what this latest ruling really means to the average internet consumer. Will 2017 see better internet speeds, or just higher bills?
Tune in as CanCon’s podcast crew – Erin Bury, Managing Director of 88 Creative, Patrick O’Rourke, MobileSyrup Senior Editor, and Douglas Soltys, BetaKit Editor in Chief – make some tech resolutions of their own.
Have some hot takes on the topics that were covered? Maybe you want to suggest something for a future podcast! Perhaps you have a burning question about something you read in tech news that we didn’t cover. Email us, post a comment below with the answer or question, or better yet, rate CanCon 5-stars on iTunes and post your thoughts there.
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Special thanks to TWG for helping make the CanCon Podcast happen!

CanCon Podcast Episode 49 (01/06/17)
CES: tech trends for 2017
CES Unveiled previews 2017’s emerging technology trends
Driverless cars finally steer near showrooms
Silicon Valley wages: when is more actually less?
Debunking the myth of higher pay in Silicon Valley
The CRTC resolves to bring internet access to al(most everyone)
CRTC launches a $750 million fund to make broadband internet access a basic service
Teksavvy increases internet speeds and lowers prices after CRTC rulings
Canadian Content music clip (under fair dealing): “Dark Days” by PUP
Feature image credit Matthew Smith