CanCon Podcast Ep. 34: The wrong way to run a billion-dollar company


Last year, the TO-KW corridor was home to a frenzy of tech events coinciding with the Toronto International Film Festival. Following that success, organizers opted to collaborate for this year, putting together the first-ever Canadian Innovation Week.

With all eyes on the TO-KW corridor and tech innovation, it’s hard to overlook Thalmic Labs and its huge Series B. The KW based company raised $158 million CAD to develop a brand new, yet-to-be-disclosed product. Will the gamble to pursue an entirely new product instead of continuing along their initial trajectory MYO pay off?

Tune in as CanCon’s podcast crew – Erin Bury, Managing Director of 88 Creative, Chris Plunkett, Director of External Relations for Communitech and Canadian Digital Media Network, Rob Kenedi, TWG’s Entrepreneur in Residence and host of the amazing #smallrooms podcast, and Douglas Soltys, BetaKit Editor in Chief – compares notes from a busy Canadian Innovation Week, and talks about recent business decisions made by two major Canadian tech companies: Thalmic, and Hootsuite.

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Special thanks to TWG for helping make the CanCon Podcast happen!


CanCon Podcast Episode 34 (09/20/16)

Canadian Innovation Week
Introducing BetaKit’s Guide to Canadian Innovation Week
Canadian Innovation Week Guide

Thalmic Labs
Thalmic Labs raises $158 million CAD series B It Takes Time

How Not To Run a Billion-Dollar Company
Ryan Holmes on the wrong way to run a billion-dollar company in 2016

Canadian Content music clip (under fair dealing): “Taking Care of Business” by Bachman–Turner Overdrive

PayPal ad music: Catmosphere – Candy-Coloured Sky, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA Attribution-Share Alike license.


Robyn Edgar

Robyn Edgar has a background in computer science, Arctic biology and bioinformatics, but she chose to leave the research world to bring science and tech to the public in the form of broadcast media. She's now BetaKit's resident audio producer. In her spare time, she volunteers at a campus radio station and practices her "old timey" radio voice impressions.

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