Canadian startup news of the week (12/23/17)

harley finkelstein

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Top Stories of the Week

Joint Detroit-Windsor #AmazonHQ2 bid includes $136 million incentive package(BETAKIT)

Windsor is offering Amazon an incentive package through property tax increment financing, grant funding, and corporate income tax credits.

Shopify COO Harley Finkelstein joins CBC board of directors(BETAKIT)

Finkelstein has been on CBC’s Next Gen Den since 2015.

Government accepting applications for $400 million Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative(BETAKIT)

Through VCCI, the government hopes to inject around $1.5 billion into Canada’s VC ecosystem.

Startup Milestones

  • FindBob raises $1.6 million to help insurance firms find their next generation of talent (Read here)

  • Vancouver-based ACL announces $50 million strategic investment from Norwest (Read here)

  • Financeit receives investment from Goldman Sachs to acquire home improvement software company Centah (Read here)

Must Reads

2017 shows healthtech funding primed to grow in 2018(BETAKIT)

A look at data in PwC’s MoneyTree report shows that Canada’s healthtech sector could see a boost next year.

Ask an Investor: Can I disconnect over the holidays without upsetting my investors?(BETAKIT)

With the rise of technologies making it easier to connect virtually, the pressure to be always accessible to your investors, customers, and employees has risen.

CanCon Podcast Ep. 98: What the hell is going on with cryptocurrency?

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Amira Zubairi

Amira Zubairi is a staff writer and content creator at BetaKit with a strong interest in Canadian startup, business, and legal tech news. In her free time, Amira indulges in baking desserts, working out, and watching legal shows.

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