Tony Lacavera’s worst day as an entrepreneur is worse than your worst day (#BetaKit1on1)

Anthony Lacavera

In our latest instalment of #BetaKit1on1, we turn to Tony Lacavera, the founder of Globalive Capital and the entrepreneur who has done what few have before him: launch a national wireless carrier in Canada.

It was not an easy journey, filled with highs and lows that few Canadian entrepreneurs can match. In #BetaKit1on1, Lacavera is characteristically direct in explaining those lows.

“My worst day as an entrepreneur was October 29th, 2009, when I got a letter from the CRTC telling me that I’m not allowed to launch the new wireless carrier I had created,” Lacavera says. “It was only later that year that we actually got the clearance to launch, but I spent two months not being able to launch a wireless carrier with 700 people already on the team.”

Despite the setbacks, Lacavera found success, by ignoring something he says is both Canada’s greatest strength and weakness: humility.

“We’ve got to embrace a culture of risk. And we’ve got to embrace a culture that we’re going to be number 1,” Lacavera says. “We’re not gonna be going for the bronze. We’re going for the gold. And we’ve gotta have that mentality throughout our country, and all entrepreneurs here in Canada have got to really believe in their core that you can be number one – because you can be.”

Lacavera is honest, energetic, and inspiring talking directly into the camera to young entrepreneurs, and that’s exactly why we launched #BetaKit1on1. Enjoy!

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