Vancouver-based Mojio powering Rogers’ first connected car device


Rogers has turned to Mojio to power its first connected car solution.

Targeted to its Share Everything customers, Rogers’ car solution allows customers to track their car’s location and set alerts to monitor vehicle speed; turn their car into a Wi-Fi hotspot; and diagnose car trouble, get maintenance reminders, and be alerted of disturbances like being hit while parked. The device leverages Mojio’s open platform for connected cars.

“Consumers are looking for more ways to stay connected wherever they are. Of the 24 million cars on Canada’s roads today, over three-quarters don’t have Wi-Fi or any connectivity features,” said Leroy Williams, VP at Rogers. “We’re excited to be the first carrier to introduce this kind of device to Canadians. Now, families can have peace of mind about their car maintenance and safety and can connect to the things and people they love worry-free.”

This isn’t the first time Mojio has gotten attention from a telecommunications provider; Deutsche Telekom was among investors in Mojio’s $19 million Series A, and was the first company to receive investment from the $100 million BC Tech Fund.

Jessica Galang

Jessica Galang

Freelance tech writer. Former BetaKit News Editor.

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