Unbounce hosting 5th annual Call to Action conference for marketers

For the fifth year in a row, Unbounce will host its Call to Action Conference (CTAConf), where marketers and entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to learn about digital marketing.

Taking place on August 28 and August 29 at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver, the CTAConf will feature leaders in marketing, who will discuss topics such as SEO, content, storytelling, social media, and paid advertising. The conference, which expects nearly 1,000 attendees, will also give attendees the opportunity to connect with other marketers and potential customers.

Some of this year’s speakers at include Ellie Mirman, CMO of Crayon; April Dunford, founder of Rocket Launch Marketing; Hana Abaza, head of marketing at Shopify Plus; Krista Seiden, product manager of Google Analytics at Google; and Oli Gardner, co-founder of Unbounce. The speakers will cover topics such as measuring growth, product marketing, content marketing, and data-driven copywriting for new products.

Unbounce said this year, organizers have made equity between men and women speakers a key focus. At the conference, 54.5 percent of speakers are women, and time on stage will be split evenly between men and women. All partners and attendees also must agree to a conference code of conduct that emphasizes building a harassment-free conference and zero tolerance for racism, sexism, and xenophobia.

Photo via Unbounce.

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