Toronto’s Spacefy the first early stage startup to use Waverley platform


Toronto-based Spacefy, a startup that calls itself the “AirBnB of creative spaces” allowing people to book unique spaces for creative projects, will be the first early stage startup to seek funding through the Waverley platform. Waverley’s service is powered by the InvestX private equity platform.

Listed as of today, Spacefy is seeking to fill a $250,000 seed financing round through InvestX’s database of retail accredited investors. Spacefy is attempting to attract interest from high net worth individuals who have recently taken equity stakes in ‘mega financing rounds’ offered using the platform.

“We’re immensely excited to be the first early-stage startup to list an offering on the platform and we are looking forward to seeing the response from the investors,” said Spacefy co-founder Judeh Siwady.  “The platform has done an incredible job of presenting private investors with opportunities to buy small amounts of equity in larger companies, which in the past were only available to institutions or high net worth individuals.” Siwady cites examples from companies like Spotify and Lyft, which, in the past, have used InvestX to allow these investors to buy small amounts of equity.

Following Spacefy’s launch today, it is scheduled to remain accessible for five business days unless oversubscribed before the final day.

Jessica Galang

Jessica Galang

Freelance tech writer. Former BetaKit News Editor.

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