Today in AI: Queen’s University launches AI Master’s program, Abacus launches chatbot services


Canadian startups have made announcements and launched new features to make strides in AI. Here’s the latest on Canada’s movers and shakers.

Queen’s University launches AI Master’s program

The Smith School of Business at Queen’s University has a new Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence focused on building managers who can apply AI strategies to business decisions.

The program is designed for studying the application of AI and machine learning in the context of modern business decision-making. Content will be delivered by Smith faculty and adjunct faculty from the Toronto-based Vector Institute.

“AI is being considered for every function within organizations, from operations to marketing and customer experience, to finance and forecasting,” said Elspeth Murray, associate dean of MBA and Masters Programs at the Smith School of Business. “But the challenge is bridging the power of technology with the needs and context of the organization. That requires a new kind of professional with a balance of science and management expertise. That’s why the Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence is so needed today.”

The 12-month program, based at SmithToronto, allows students to take the program while they continue to work, with classes are held Tuesday evenings and alternate Saturdays, plus two one-week residential sessions in Kingston.

Abacus launches Facebook chatbot services for marketers

Toronto-based Facebook ad agency Abacus has launched a chatbot service for Facebook Messenger chatbots.

The service allows marketers to ideate, strategize, design, build, launch, and test chatbots on Facebook Messenger.

“Chatbots present a massive opportunity for marketers looking to interact directly in a medium of the consumer’s choosing,” said Peter Reitano, CEO of Abacus. “We’re really excited to push the envelope in bringing social ads and Messenger chatbots
together to help our clients deliver personalization at scale to their customers.”

The company said it launched the chatbot service as more marketers experiment with chatbot services for customer service, content amplification and creative marketing campaigns. Chatbots will also be key for ecommerce companies offer shopping assistance, landing page customization and lead generation/qualification.

Jessica Galang

Jessica Galang

Freelance tech writer. Former BetaKit News Editor.

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