Sunnybrook Hospital to live-tweet a heart surgery on Twitter

Canadian healthcare is on the cusp of taking another leap forward. Not in the form of new technology, just existing technology being used in a different manner. Tomorrow, February 20th, will be a day for the history books as this is when Sunnybrook Hospital will live-tweet a heart surgery. Probably not the most pleasant experience to watch on Twitter, but it’s certainly a sign of the times.

The goal is to raise awareness about heart disease (February is Heart Month) and the procedure will be led by Dr. Gideon Cohen and a team of experts from Sunnybrook’s Schulich Heart Centre. As for the patient, all that’s known is that Lou is 57-years old and wants to spend more time with his family, fishing, baking and gardening.

This live-Tweet event is an innovative approach to get the message across. Sunnybrook will be posting short messages, photos and videos. The hashtag will be #SBheart and the surgery will start at 8am EST.

Source: Sunnybrook
Via: Twitter


Ian Hardy

Ian is publisher at MobileSyrup. He's been quietly creating and building things for years and is completely addicted to Tim Hortons.

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