Propel unveils new Validation cohort of early-stage founders in Atlantic Canada

Meanwhile, Halifax accelerator Tribe is seeking Black early-stage founders for its START program.

Atlantic Canada accelerator Propel has unveiled six of the eight startups participating in its Spring 2024 Validation Cohort, while Tribe Network has opened applications to Black founders for its START accelerator.

Like its name suggests, Propel’s Validation program focuses on helping early-stage startups validate their business idea with customers and find a problem-solution fit. The program is targeted to companies that are either pre-revenue or making less than $1,000 in monthly revenue.

While there are eight startups joining this cohort, Propel only identified six companies: Innovate Accounting, Keto Newfs, TicketIO, SkillConnect, TheBox, and CashLoop Technologies. According to Entrevestor, the two remaining companies declined to be named.

“This is another exciting cohort of Validation companies,” Propel CEO Kathryn Lockhart said in a statement. “Our coaching team looks forward to guiding their journeys and getting them on a path to customer success.”

Founded in 2004, Propel provides networking support, expertise, coaching, and skills development to pre-revenue and revenue-generating startups in Atlantic Canada. Last year, the accelerator received $2.9 million in grant funding from the federal government, and an additional $1 million from the Government of Nova Scotia. 

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Also this week, Halifax-based accelerator Tribe Network has opened applications for its 10-week Start accelerator program. 

The program, targeted to Black founders of early-stage companies in Atlantic Canada, will impart core entrepreneurship skills, such as accessing funding, starting a business, and solving customer needs. The program also offers access to mentorship and one-on-one coaching. 

This program will run from June to September, and graduates will have the chance to enroll in Tribe’s Build program for later-stage companies, as well as apply for the organization’s Start Small Grant, which offers entrepreneurs up to $1,000 of funding.

Tribe Network launched in 2020, aiming to create an entrepreneurship and innovation hub for entrepreneurs identifying as Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour. Last year, Tribe launched a targeted $20-million venture fund that will invest in pre-seed and seed-stage businesses led by racialized founders.

Feature image courtesy of Unsplash.

Isabelle Kirkwood

Isabelle Kirkwood

Isabelle is a Vancouver-based writer with 5+ years of experience in communications and journalism and a lifelong passion for telling stories. For over two years, she has reported on all sides of the Canadian startup ecosystem, from landmark venture deals to public policy, telling the stories of the founders putting Canadian tech on the map.

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