Plum’s Caitlin MacGregor says most failed hires due to attitude, not skill


More companies are starting to embrace the value of hiring employees that have the potential to grow within a company culture, rather than trust a list on a resume. Plum, a Waterloo-based company pitching on The Disruptors for last week’s show, is there to help.

Plum’s platform has job applicants take a talent assessment test that examines cognitive ability, problem solving abilities, social intelligence, and personality. Employers also take a match assessment survey where they decide what sort of candidate they need that matches their company culture and needs.

“Eighty-nine perfect of failed hires are due to attitude, not skill,” said Plum CEO and co-founder Caitlin MacGregor. “Only eleven percent are due to skill. And yet the entire industry is obsessed with measuring skill first. With Plum, we’re flipping it on its head and quantifying attitude.”

Co-host Bruce Croxon said that this is one of his favourite topics, as company culture is so integral to building a company that lasts. “[This is the main difference between companies that do really well and those that do just okay. And the best time to form your company culture is on the way in to the company — the recruitment and hiring system.”

Watch the whole pitch below:

BetaKit is a production partner on The Disruptors. Tune in to BNN every Thursday night at 7pm for full episodes!

Jessica Galang

Jessica Galang

Freelance tech writer. Former BetaKit News Editor.

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