The BetaKit Podcast
The DOJ wants to take Google Chrome away, Rob Kenedi wants to decelerate tech
After a decade of quiet dominance, the browser space is suddenly filled with uncertainty.
The story of Sampler (live at SAAS NORTH 2024)
“I’m using failure with intent today, because I don’t want to be ashamed of saying failure.”
The state of Canadian software in 2024
Inovia’s Chris Arsenault came to SAAS NORTH armed with data and perspective.
Addressing Canada’s speed of financial innovation
Koho, Borrowell, Manzil—plus the Department of Finance—talk product velocity, risks & opportunity.
Alexis Ohanian and Matt Damon can help Xatoms clean water around the world
Diana Virgovicova explains how she’s using quantum chemistry, grants, and celebrity to solve a global problem.
Clio’s Jack Newton can build another Shopify without building like Shopify
Practical patriotism is cool now.