CIRA challenges political parties to create open, trusted Internet policies


The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), the national organization known for managing the ‘.CA’ domain, has published its “vision” of the future of Canada’s Internet.

CIRA’s statement targets political parties as Canada’s federal election is in full swing. In its vision, the CIRA urges federal parties to embrace an Internet that is grounded on the principles of openness, trust, and a focus on people, calling the Internet the key to the country’s future health, prosperity, and democracy.

“The future of the Internet and the future of Canada are inextricably linked.”
– Byron Holland, CEO of CIRA

“We believe strongly that the future of the Internet and the future of Canada are inextricably linked,” said Byron Holland, president and CEO of CIRA. “We believe that the Internet is an overwhelming force for good in the world, and with the right vision, Canada can become a global leader in its resurgence. We invite all parties and candidates to embrace our principles and help build an open, trusted, and people-centred Internet for Canada.”

CIRA said the perception of the Internet is one of danger and mistrust, with the advent of malware, fake news, and invasive tracking. It wants to change this perception by calling for a more open, democratic, innovative, and competitive Internet. It wants to enhance trust by making user privacy, encryption, and compliance a top priority. CIRA also emphasized the importance of making the Internet more transparent, so users know how their data will be used, as well as more accessible, meaning all Canadians have access to high-quality Internet.

The document has been endorsed by a 11 other organizations, including Beauceron Security, the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity, and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.

RELATED: CIRA partners with Beauceron to launch cybersecurity training platform

“This election is a huge opportunity to create a level playing field in Canada’s telecommunications sector,” said Janet Lo, vice president of privacy and consumer legal affairs at TekSavvy, one of the organizations that have endorsed CIRA’s vision. “Every single day, we hear from customers who want more choices to stay connected. Consumers want high-quality Internet for a competitive price. By embracing CIRA’s principles, future policy-makers can make sure that Canadians can benefit from a competitive, fair telecommunications landscape that enables businesses of all size to compete and innovate.”

On September 25, CIRA will host a panel discussion about what the federal election will mean for digital policy issues at its annual Canadians Connected meeting.

Read CIRA’s full Internet Vision here.

Image courtesy CIRA

Isabelle Kirkwood

Isabelle Kirkwood

Isabelle is a Vancouver-based writer with 5+ years of experience in communications and journalism and a lifelong passion for telling stories. For over two years, she has reported on all sides of the Canadian startup ecosystem, from landmark venture deals to public policy, telling the stories of the founders putting Canadian tech on the map.

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