CanCon Podcast Ep. 69: Can Kik’s cryptocurrency save the company from copycat Facebook?
For its 69th episode, the CanCon podcast has money and unicorns on its mind. MobileSyrup broke a story this week that Android…
For its 69th episode, the CanCon podcast has money and unicorns on its mind. MobileSyrup broke a story this week that Android…
This week, several Canadian startups have made announcements, launching new features, partnerships, and more. Here’s the…
Technological innovation continues to be a major catalyst for change across Canada’s financial services industry. There’s…
WeWork announced the winners of its WeWork Creator Awards for the midwest region, which included two Toronto-based entrepreneurs.…
When we were in the Next 36, my fellow participants and I all had shared a very similar experience — applying to university.…
ROSS Intelligence, an IBM Watson-powered platform that helps lawyers find relevant cases with natural language search, is returning…
Welcome to a BetaKit weekly series designed to help startups and entrepreneurs. Each week, investors Roger Chabra and Katherine…
On June 1, SheEO will host the Toronto Women’s Entrepreneurship Forum 2017, bringing together current and aspiring women…
Today, Toronto’s DMZ announced that it is partnering with BMO to launch a FinTech accelerator. The DMZ-BMO FinTech accelerator…
Infiniti Lab, the IoT and smart city accelerator launched by Infiniti Motors, has announced the nine companies that will be…
Toronto-based Goldmoney, a gold-based payments and savings platform that allows users to acquire, store, and spend gold that…
The University of Waterloo is receiving an investment of up to $8.9 million to establish a 3D printing lab — also known as…
Kik announced the launch of Kin, its own cryptocurrency that the company says will serve as a foundation for a decentralized…
Welcome to The Wearable Weekly, your trusted guide to all things wearable tech. If you only have time to read one thing about…
Canadians seem willing to embrace the digital payment revolution that is underway, with many ready to drop cheques and cash,…