Tech is often focused on what can be, but perhaps some time must be spent focusing on what should be. Canadian entrepreneurs often talk about how Canada can be more like the Valley, but maybe we should be focused on Israel’s approach to startups. Android Wear devices and the Apple Watch can do much more than a Pebble smartwatch, but maybe we should be focused on the features (and price points) that people actually care about. Tech billionaires can do whatever they want with their money, but maybe Facebook board members shouldn’t start proxy wars with media properties the company is partnered with.
Tune in as the CanCon team – Erin Bury, Managing Director of 88 Creative (and former BetaKit Managing Editor), and Rob Kenedi, TWG’s Entrepreneur in Residence and host of the amazing #smallrooms podcast – discusses what we can learn from Israel about entrepreneurship, the new Pebble lineup, and which Canadian billionaire will be the first to sue BetaKit.
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Special thanks to our sponsors, Telus, and TWG, for helping make the CanCon Podcast happen!

CanCon Podcast Episode 18 (05/30/16)
Forget the Valley. What about Tel Aviv?
What Canada can learn from Israel’s startup ecosystem
Sampler and Komodo OpenLab win DMZ and Innovation Birmingham’s Next Big Idea contest
Can Pebble hang tough on consumers’ wrists?
Pebble launches Kickstarter for Pebble Time 2, Pebble 2 and Pebble Core
Pebble reaches $1 million funding goal in 1 hour for Pebble Time 2, Pebble 2 and Pebble Core
The (unchecked?) power of tech billionaires
Peter Thiel, Tech Billionaire, Reveals Secret War With Gawker
Meet The Lawyers Peter Thiel Is Paying To Sue Gawker
Canadian Content music clip (under fair dealing): “Vancouver Divorce” by Gord Downie
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