Last week, Donald Trump was elected the next President of the United States.
We’re not going to talk about that on the podcast. But CanCon often discusses how Canada is affected by our neighbours to the south, and that includes their politics. So avoiding the geo-political, let’s narrow the focus: how does this affect Canadian tech companies?
Following the monumental election south of the border, many have voiced concerns over the role that Facebook played throughout the campaign season, to the point of potentially influencing the outcome of the election. Mark Zuckerberg’s protestations aside, what respbonsibilities does Facebook have towards truth and civil discourse as a media company?
As an escape from our current reality, the team digs into Google’s latest iteration on its VR ventures, the Daydream View. Patrick O’Rourke, MobileSyrup’s resident VR headset model, gives his initial impressions on the latest affordable VR headset on the market.
Tune in as CanCon’s podcast crew – Erin Bury, Managing Director of 88 Creative, Igor Bonifacic, Senior Editor for Mobile Syrup, Patrick O’Rourke, Senior Editor for MobileSyrup, and Douglas Soltys, BetaKit Editor in Chief – process the results of the election, debate whether posting about it on Facebook will make any difference at all, and decide that maybe virtual reality is the way to go.
Have some hot takes on our hot takes? Maybe you want to suggest a topic for a future podcast! Perhaps you have a burning question about something you read in tech news that we didn’t cover. Email us, post a comment below with the answer or question, or better yet, rate CanCon 5-stars on iTunes and post your thoughts there.
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Special thanks to TWG for helping make the CanCon Podcast happen!

CanCon Podcast Episode 42 (11/14/16)
No Silicon Valley North
It’s time for Canada to lead
Canadian Tech could benefit from a Trump win
Go North Canada
Facebook is a media company (whether they want to be or not)
Facebook admits it must do more to stop the spread of misinformation on its platform
Zuckerberg says that Facebook news had no impact on election
It was all a Daydream
Daydream View review
Canadian Content music clip (under fair dealing): “Closing Time” by Leonard Cohen
PayPal ad music: Catmosphere – Candy-Coloured Sky, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA Attribution-Share Alike license.