“Because it’s 2015,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, in response to questions on his decision to appoint a half-female Cabinet. Despite this affirmation of diversity at the highest levels of public discourse, there are still regular reminders that not all of Canada is on the same page. This week’s Canadian FinTech Summit was one such reminder.
But the event, and the conversation around it, can be taken as opportunities to merely point fingers or they can be used as a launch-pad to the address the problems representation, access, and fair treatment we discussed last week. We’re choosing the latter, because it’s now 2016.
Tune in as the CanCon podcast team – Erin Bury, Managing Director of 88 Creative (and former BetaKit Managing Editor), Igor Bonifacic, Senior Editor of MobileSyrup, Jessica Galang, BetaKit’s News Editor, and Rob Kenedi, TWG’s Entrepreneur in Residence and host of the amazing #smallrooms podcast – looks for proactive remedies to Canada’s complicated tech diversity issue and discusses the outcome of recent Uber regulation recommendations.
Have some hot takes on our hot takes? Email us, post a comment below with the answer, or better yet, rate CanCon 5-stars on iTunes and post your answer there.
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Special thanks to our presenting sponsor, PayPal, and our media partner, TWG, for helping make the CanCon Podcast happen!
CanCon Podcast Episode 12 (04/11/16)
Diversity in Tech (again)
Canadian FinTech Summit has a lot to teach about disruption, a lot to learn about diversity
StartupNorth Conversation #1
StartupNorth Conversation #2
Uber this and Uber that
Canadian entrepreneurs can spend a 15-minute ride with investors using UberPITCH
Winners of [D]Congestant hackathon create “Match.com of ridesharing”
Over 100 recommendations proposed for regulating Uber in Toronto
Canadian Content music clip (under fair dealing): “Boy Problems” by Carly Rae Jepsen
What is the CanCon podcast all about? Read this.