Boostmi disrupting auto service industry with $25 car boosts


Giving your car a boost is one of those inconveniences that most people aren’t prepared for — and one Montreal-based company, pitching on The Disruptors, is trying to capitalize on that.

The concept behind Boostmi is simple — users open the app if their car needs a boost, and can expect to receive one within fifteen minutes. The service costs $25 a boost, and the company keeps $5.

The service is currently available across Canada, and the company has even partnered with taxi companies to help provide the service. “We’re looking to change the wait times and the level of service in the industry,” said Michael Bibeau, co-founder and CEO of Boostmi. “We’re really trying to capitalize on the short wait times that we have. We want Boostmi to be a natural reaction.”

The company has already faced some backlash, as CAA has publicly stated that having untrained drivers perform the service can be dangerous.

Co-host Bruce Croxon, always a fan of sharing economy startups, said that the company should figure out what other products and services they can offer on the platform if they want to scale. “If you don’t think of enough to pay for it on a subscription basis, I’m worried about the one-off transaction model.”

Watch the whole pitch below:

BetaKit is a production partner on The Disruptors. Tune in to BNN every Thursday night at 7pm for full episodes!

Jessica Galang

Jessica Galang

Freelance tech writer. Former BetaKit News Editor.

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