CanCon Podcast Ep. 76: Saadia Muzaffar, Harley Finkelstein, Bruce Croxon at #BetaKit150
Last month, BetaKit pulled together 300 of Canada’s best and brightest for a celebration of the next 150 years of Canadian…
Last month, BetaKit pulled together 300 of Canada’s best and brightest for a celebration of the next 150 years of Canadian…
The battle between engineer-centric and design-centric product development is at least as old as the iPhone, but with the mobile…
Last October, BetaKit reported on the long-awaited arrival of AngelList Syndicates to Canada, albeit in limited form, following…
Last week, the federal government released the 2017 budget while the Canadian tech community eagerly watched. #Budget2017 contains…
When last we checked in with Koho, the Vancouver-based FinTech company was fresh off a new round of funding from Power Financial…
Last week, in partnership with PwC, BetaKit hosted a Facebook Live chat on one of the hottest conversations in Canadian tech:…
Toronto-based ScaleUP Ventures (SUV) announced today a second close of $32.25 million for its ScaleUP Ventures Fund, which…
Wait, that can’t be right, can it? Longtime readers with a good memory and a handful of fingers should be able to count five…
There’s no question that talent remains a hot topic of conversation in Canadian tech. With the upcoming fast-track visa…
The Canadian tech space has been awash in companies exiting via sales to US companies: Halogen Software, HomeStars, BlueCat,…
Many of our past #BetaKit1on1 videos have been with established founders: those who have jumped back on the entrepreneurship…
This past Thursday, MaRS announced it had secured $290 million from Manulife, Sun Life Financial, and iA Financial Group to…
As #BetaKit1on1 returns for the new year, we thought it best to kick off the latest run with a bang. VC’s are known for…
After a year operating in stealth, a new VC firm is ready to show its face to the Canadian tech community. Diagram today announced…
In an op-ed published today on BetaKit, Hubba CPO Johnathan Nightingale argues that great managers split their focus between…