BetaKit’s Guide to Elevate Main Stage: ScaleUp

Elevate Main Stage: ScaleUp

Returning for its third year, Elevate is now simply too big for one event guide. So BetaKit has produced a guide to every event and stage taking place across the seven-day festival. You can find a link to each individual guide on our Guide to Elevate 2019 hub page.

Building on the festival theme of moonshots—innovations that inspire people to think beyond what was previously possible—Elevate Main Stage: ScaleUp will showcase the tech founders who have built their own moonshots.

“The best businesses solve real problems.”
– Neil Blumenthal

At Meridian Hall following a day of Elevate Main Stage speakers, ScaleUp will provide insight for entrepreneurs faced with the challenges of scaling. Neil Blumenthal, co-founder and co-CEO of Warby Parker, will explain how he upended the expensive glasses industry, bringing his company to a $1.45 billion USD valuation.

“The best businesses solve real problems,” says Blumenthal. “We’ve created an example of a business that can scale, be profitable, and do good in the world without charging a premium for it.”

Elevate Main Stage: ScaleUp will feature multiple entrepreneurs and experts with the knowledge on how to grow, IPO, and break the billion-dollar valuation mark. Like Dax Dasilva, CEO of Lightspeed, who led the company’s nearly 15-year overnight success story to become one of Canada’s top 10 technology IPOs. Or Guy Kawasaki, one of the Apple employees originally responsible for marketing the Macintosh computer line in 1984, who pioneered evangelism marketing in tech. Sarah Friar—the former CFO of Square that added $30 billion to the company’s market cap—is also returning to Elevate, this time as the CEO of neighbourhood social network Nextdoor.

At Elevate Main Stage: ScaleUp, attendees can expect the imagination of Elevate Main Stage blended with the tools and tips to turn their inspiration into action.

Click here or use the code “ELEVATELOVESBETAKIT” to purchase your Elevate 2019 tickets at a 20% discount.

BetaKit is an Elevate media partner.



Founded in 2012. BetaKit is built for the people tracking, financing, and building the next generation of Canadian business. Our mission is to connect, interrogate, and inform Canadian tech.

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