Former Dragons’ Den Star Bruce Croxon Joins Rob Ford To Speak at Upcoming Business Event

Toronto’s controversial mayor Rob Ford will join former CBC Dragons’ Den investor and Round 13 Capital partner Bruce Croxon on stage at the upcoming National Franchise & Business Opportunities Show.

The show will showcase both full-time franchises and part-time business opportunities at every investment level available now in the GTA. Every year, the show attracts over 4,000 people who meet with over 140 actively growing companies. Organizers called the event “a valuable resource for the many entrepreneurs who dream of starting their own business and the thousands of Canadians who consider franchising as a way to make it happen.”

Ford will deliver the Show’s Welcome Address and highlight “how the city fosters opportunities to grow business in Toronto.” Meanwhile, Round 13 Capital’s Croxon will provide personal insight on business ownership and “share tips on how to achieve success.”

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“Hearing the life experiences and to receive advice from business leaders like Mayor Ford and Mr. Croxon is an invaluable first step for prospective business owners to take,” said the event’s producer, Fred Cox. “The Show’s industry experts know just what it takes to start and grow successful businesses and provide essential information to help attendees reach their goals of business ownership.”

A release listed previous highlights of the event, which has included over 20 free seminars given by industry experts, including lawyers and government representatives, sharing “strategies and resources entrepreneurs need to effectively start and grow a business.”

“We are proud to work with the City of Toronto, Enterprise Toronto and the Government of Canada amongst other entrepreneurial groups to produce an event of this magnitude,” said Cox. “It’s a thrill to help thousands of entrepreneurs take their next path to success and be at the launch of so many new careers as business owners”

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