Saskatchewan government providing up to 45 percent tax credit for startup investment
The Saskatchewan government has released their budget for 2018 to 2019, which includes several measures meant to support the…
The Saskatchewan government has released their budget for 2018 to 2019, which includes several measures meant to support the…
Over the past week, two institutions have received funding from the government to support growth in the tech field. Here’s…
Toronto Mayor John Tory will be leading a delegation of 23 Toronto companies and organizations on an economic trip to Los Angeles.…
The Canadian government is providing $4.4 million to Venture for Canada to help students access work at startups in Atlantic…
According to a report from Reuters, Sidewalk Labs is looking to begin testing proposed technology for Toronto’s Quayside…
Canada’s privacy commissioner took the stage at a Canadian Journalism Foundation (CJF) privacy summit in Toronto last week…
Venture for Canada, an organization dedicated to recruiting and training youth to work at startups, received $1,480,406 in…
The Ontario government released its Budget 2018 yesterday, which included several investments dedicated to boosting the tech…
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said that his party won’t turn its back on social media. Even with its recent scandals,…
The Nova Scotia government has launched a public sector innovation garage in collaboration with IBM. Housed in Halifax, the…
Quebec’s soon-to-be tabled budget is expected to include provisions aimed at collecting sales taxes from foreign tech giants…
The Canadian government is dedicating $25 million over three years to help the country’s agricultural sector reduce greenhouse…
Canada’s privacy commissioner, Daniel Therrien, has stated his office will contact Facebook to see whether Canadians were…
Ontario and Quebec are receiving a pre-commercial 5G testbed network through a $400 million CAD private-public partnership.…
A new company has launched to help Canadian companies find international talent as they scale. Co-founded by TWG founder Dominic…