Startup job spotlight: Digital marketing specialist at Onboardly


With startups leading the way in Canadian innovation, every day, BetaKit does its part to help fill the talent gap with our BetaKit Job Board.

To highlight some of the great places prospective employees can work at across Canada, we’ll put one startup in the spotlight each week to find out what makes their company tick.

Right now, Onboardly is hiring a digital marketing specialist. We talked to Onboardly CEO and founder Renee Warren about the best parts of working there.

If someone were to come in to work for Onboardly on their first day, what’s the first thing you tell them to get them excited to work there?

Well, we typically have a custom gift for them on their desk when they arrive on their first day. This screams, “We are SOOO happy you are here!” Our recent hire is a whisky fanatic so I sourced some really good stuff for him. Hello! Whisky tasting at 9 a.m. on a Monday? 🙂 (kidding) We spend the first hour chit chatting over coffee and showing them around. We then dive into a detailed training manual to start laying out the five W’s of Onboardly. This is typically a week-long process that we pick away at while simultaneously pushing them into completing actual client work. We like to lead and show by example, which makes it both fun and productive.

What are some company perks that people can expect when working at Onboardly?

First things first: we are huge believers in “family first.” This means, health, wealth, and prosperity. The most important thing is that the team delivers great value and results to our clients regardless of the 9 to 5. So if one week they’re knocking out 50 hours to get a client project done, BUT the next they are taking time to watch their kids’ hockey games, that’s what it’s all about. It’s balance and lifestyle. Other perks include quarterly team off-sites, benefits, paid vacation, treats, work trips, training and “work from anywhere Fridays.”

When working as part of the marketing team, what kind of problems could the digital media specialist expect to tackle? What makes the team so dynamic?

The Digital Media Specialist’s main role is to lead the development of all our clients strategies. This person can expect to tackle things like social media, influencer, and content marketing strategies and execution plans, manage the execution team, and follow up with clients. Just as importantly, this person will be the eyes and ears for Onboardly and keep a pulse on the industry to monitor for new methods or discoveries in how we operate and service our clients.

In what ways do you help to foster personal and/or professional growth in your team?

This is a huge one for us. We are always training on new ways we can better operate internally as a team, with our clients and how we execute our projects. This means attending industry webinars, taking online courses, buying relevant books, and sending the team to important events and conferences.

What’s your favourite part about working with the Onboardly team?

It’s honestly the most fun part of my week! The team at Onboardly is very open, cool, and eclectic. We all come from diverse career backgrounds and have different interests. But the real fun comes from helping our clients grow. We work with some amazing people, our clients love us, and we get to make a difference!

Jessica Galang

Jessica Galang

Freelance tech writer. Former BetaKit News Editor.

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