PinchVR envisions a world where anyone can customize their own VR environment

As VR emerges as the next must-have hardware, companies like Oculus Rift and Google are competing for the top spot in the consumer market.

But one startup pitching on The Disruptors isn’t interested in making consumers adopt another piece of technology to add to their collection — instead, they want to leverage the tech people already have. PinchVR is a twofold product: it comes with a printable controller that allows users to interact with their Google Cardboard VR experience, as well as a mobile app that allows users to create their own virtual reality experience.

“Mobile content today is being delivered through a limited screen, the one already in your pocket. We’re looking to break the limits of that screen and deliver extremely rich experiences by taking advantage of virtual reality driven by the smartphone,” said Milan Baic, CEO of Cordon Labs, the company behind the PinchVR. “PinchVR was designed to easily create and distribute VR content. It’s not currently accessible to the mainstream, and we feel in the future, anyone can create their own VR environment and share it.”

Co-host Amber Kanwar said that the idea behind the company — giving anyone access to virtual reality through the headset — is separating it from players offering their own headset. “I’m sure that’s a huge sigh of relief to Apple,” she said.

Watch the whole pitch below:

BetaKit is a production partner on The Disruptors. Tune in to BNN every Thursday night at 7pm for full episodes!

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