Leap Motion Celebrates One Million App Downloads in 3-weeks

Leap Motion Airspace Apps

It’s only been three weeks since the official launch of the Leap Motion controller and the Airspace app store and the company is already celebrating over one million app downloads.

Three Canadian developers were the first to have apps in the store, including TVO, Gnometech and Corel Corporation. Leap Motion informed BetaKit that downloads from these three apps currently account for more than ten percent of all Airspace app downloads – which is very impressive.

Looking at both the number of reviews and the star ratings, the top rated Leap Motion app is currently BetterTouchTool, an app that allows users to configure gestures to do anything on your Mac. The free app includes many usable features like window snapping and an integrated window switcher, which lets users set up application specific gestures as well as global ones.

Leap Motion has already expanded the available apps by more than fifteen percent since launch. Thirteen new titles have been added to the Airspace Store including the highly popular mobile game Fruit Ninja. The developer program has also seen some growth, now having nearly doubled in size since launch with more than 25,000 new downloads of the free SDK.

“We’re providing developers and users a powerful platform for creating, playing, exploring and learning, and it’s thrilling to see people around the world take their first leap with our technology,” said Leap Motion CEO and co-founder Michael Buckwald. “We’re already seeing musicians, doctors, teachers, artists, students and gamers find creative and practical uses for their Leap Motion Controllers, and we’re just getting started.”

Leap Motion hit the shelves of Best Buy in the States on July 29th with many stores selling out. HP plans to announce unique devices embedded with Leap Motion’s technology, and ASUS intends to bundle the Leap Motion Controller with select computers.

According to Leap Motion, more than 5,000 pictures and videos have been shared using the hashtag #FirstLeap and they’ve counted over 80,000 social media posts about the launch. The team wrapped up all this excitement in one neat little video which we’ve included below.


Tom Emrich

Sometimes called the “man from the future” Tom Emrich is a leading voice in wearable technology as an investor, community builder and influencer. His passion for this space is driven by his belief that wearable tech plays a critical role in our human evolution.

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