Launch Academy Brings Back Lean Entrepreneur Program

Vancouver-based tech incubator Launch Academy is bringing back its Lean Entrepreneur Program, a 16-week program designed to provide first-time entrepreneurs and career-changers with the essential skills and knowledge necessary to build lean startups.

It rides a recent trend of “mini” or “pre” accelerators/incubators for those interested in entrepreneurship or just starting out. Other programs include the Google Next program, The Founder Institute and Real Ventures’ “Real Fellowship“.

A visit to the Lean Entrepreneur Program website says “Build a Startup in 16 Weeks,” and the course costs $3,500 for each participant.

The Lean Entrepreneur Program is designed to “foster the ability to think differently in one’s startup journey towards developing innovative products and disrupting marketplaces.” Taught by the “best instructors that Vancouver has to offer,” the program wants to allow entrepreneurs to gain the knowledge required to build a lean startup and implement new ideas.

Students, recent graduates and career-changers alike will gain hands-on experience in incorporating their businesses, acquiring first customers and designing beautiful landing pages.

Instructors for the program will come from a list of accelerator executives, instructors from Queens University and General Assembly, full-stack developers, partners at major law firms, serial entrepreneurs, and government representatives. 

Formerly eight weeks in length, the 2014 program has been enhanced to include a “more intensive” curriculum (complete with reading lists, assignments, presentations, and exams) and a full-time instructor to oversee the syllabus. If ready, participants will also have a chance to pitch their startups in front of angels, investors, the media, industry professionals and more at Launch Academy’s Pitch Day in August.

The $3,500 tuition buys an entrepreneur these things:

  • 16 weeks of office space at Launch Academy
  • 16 lectures with the “best startup minds” Vancouver has to offer
  • Comprehensive curriculum, assignments, and exams
  • $1000 in Amazon Web Services credits
  • The “Ultimate Startup Kit” (all of the resources, templates, etc you need)
  • Suggested reading materials:Access to partners’ events for free or at a discounted price
    • Steve Blank’s Startup Owner’s Manual
    • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
    • Business Model Generation by Alex Osterwalder
  • Access to Launch Academy mentors
  • Access to weekly Launch Academy office hours
  • Access to Launch Academy’s monthly social and networking events

For a more detailed curriculum of the program, head to this link.



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