Kensington Capital Partners opens Calgary office to focus on cleantech opportunities in Western Canada

Kensington Capital Partners announced the Kensington Venture Fund last November with an initial closing of $160 million, and a goal to reach $300 million. The fund of funds is a next step in the Government of Canada’s Venture Capital Action Plan (VCAP) and will specifically invest in technology, cleantech, IT, telecommunications, and digital media sectors.

Claiming that Alberta is poised to be a global leader in the energy sector, Kensington has announced the opening a Calgary office to capitalize on new tech sector opportunities in Western Canada.

Overseeing the growth in the west will be Rick Nathan, Managing Director of Kensington Capital Partners (former Chair and President of Canada’s Venture Capital and Private Equity Association), and Michelle Scarborough, Senior Vice President and leader of Kensington’s Calgary operations.

“Having spent most of my life in this community, it excites me to be able to support companies here in Western Canada and across the country to help them access the venture capital they need to grow,” said Michelle Scarborough, Kensington Senior Vice President and leader of the new Calgary office. “I look forward to helping investors uncover the many untapped opportunities that can be supported by Kensington and help Canadian companies build strong new businesses, putting Alberta and Western Canada on the map as a global leader in energy technology.”

“Our government’s Venture Capital Action Plan is delivering important risk capital to help Canada’s innovative firms and start-ups access the resources they need to bring new ideas to market, increase our productivity, and diversify our economy,” said Industry Minister James Moore. “When we invest in innovation, we invest in home-grown talent, high-quality jobs and long-term economic growth and prosperity.”

Kensington stated that its increased presence in Western Canada will focus on understanding how energy and clean technologies can help to diversify Alberta’s economy, while tapping underserved markets such as digital oilfield, smart grid, and alternative energies.


Ian Hardy

Ian is publisher at MobileSyrup. He's been quietly creating and building things for years and is completely addicted to Tim Hortons.

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