Hootsuite acquires Naritiv’s Snapchat analytics solution, opens LA office


Hootsuite has acquired the Snapchat analytics solution of LA-based Naritiv.

This is the company’s third acquisition in six weeks. In February, Hootsuite acquired LiftMetrix, which offers a tool to measure the return on investments on social media platforms, and AdEspresso, which allows small businesses to split test their Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns.

This third acquisition suggests that Hootsuite is looking to be a go-to platform for businesses measuring their social media performances.

“Brands are turning to video-centric networks like Snapchat to engage with their audiences,” said Ryan Holmes, CEO of Hootsuite. “Naritiv has been at the forefront of connecting brands and agencies with Snapchat influencers and their audiences. We’re thrilled to integrate Snapchat functionality into the Hootsuite platform to help our customers take full advantage of this dynamic video network. Snapchat is the new TV.”

As part of the acquisition, members of the Naritiv product team will join Hootsuite’s newly-opened Los Angeles office. The Los Angeles office follows the recent opening of the Hootsuite Toronto and Sydney offices. The Vancouver-based company also has offices in New York, London, Paris, Hamburg, and Singapore.

Jessica Galang

Jessica Galang

Freelance tech writer. Former BetaKit News Editor.

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