Famebit has paid out over $500,000 to its YouTube influencers

According to TubeFilter, Famebit has continued its success and announced that its paid out over $500,000 to its creative partners, an increase of $250,000 since July.

The startup acts as a middle-man “bounty” platform, where brands can find, hire, and work with influential YouTube content creators for product and service endorsements. Brands will request an endorsement, which gets posted to the Youtuber opportunity stream, and from there for the over 3,000 Youtubers of varying influence (by amount of followers, and thus reach). A brand can request a full-out product review or something as small as a “brought to you by” post-video reminder.


Ian Hardy

Ian is publisher at MobileSyrup. He's been quietly creating and building things for years and is completely addicted to Tim Hortons.

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