In a ruling that has surprised patent lawyers and startups alike, the Supreme Court of Canada has judged against the principles of the Promise Doctrine from Canadian patent law. In general, the changes makes Canada more appealing to multinational corporations. But at what cost to Canada’s tech ecosystem?
On the flip side of the support coin, this week AngelList launched Intros for Canada to give Canadian startups access to Canadian angel investors. Applications are now being accepted and can be submitted through August 30th. AngelList Canada’s Alexander Norman walks us through what that means.
Finally, Rogers increased their data overage charges by a whopping 40%. The decision left a lot of Canadian mobile consumers up in arms and the CanCon team wondering if the other large providers in Canada will follow suit.
Tune in as CanCon’s podcast crew – Rob Kenedi, TWG’s Entrepreneur in Residence and host of the amazing #smallrooms podcast, Patrick O’Rourke, MobileSyrup Senior Editor, and Douglas Soltys, BetaKit Editor in Chief – digs deep into the policy affecting Canadian innovation.
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CanCon Podcast Episode 75 (07/10/17)
Patent patsy
‘Bombshell’ Canadian patent ruling seen favouring foreign companies
Why Google’s newest AI team is setting up in Canada
AngelList adds to its offerings
AngelList launches Intros for Canada to give startups access to Canadian angels
Rogers overhauls its overages
Rogers increases data overage by 40%
Canadian carrier overage fees
Canadian Content music clip (under fair dealing): “Anna” by Will Butler
Feature image courtesy Christinne Muschi/Reuters