This week, the CanCon podcast takes to the open road and sends Douglas Soltys to Ottawa to attend Canada’s first-ever SaaS conference. While attending the conference, Douglas got the chance to sit down and chat with a few notable Canadian tech players. Mark MacLeod, founder of Sure Path Capital, joins Douglas to talk about the problem of exits. Mike McDerment, CEO and co-founder of FreshBooks, discusses his thoughts on why a SaaS community is valuable in Canada. aFinally, Ben Yoskovitz, co-founder of Highline Beta, digs deep into his company’s unique approach to helping build Canadian companies and discusses the growing trend of fostering partnerships between the startup and corporate world.
Tune in as Douglas Soltys, BetaKit Editor in Chief, brings us candid conversations with some of Canada’s SaaS-iest tech entrepreneurs.
Have some hot takes on the topics that were covered? Maybe you want to suggest something for a future podcast! Perhaps you have a burning question about something you read in tech news that we didn’t cover. Email us, post a comment below with the answer or question, or better yet, rate CanCon 5-stars on iTunes and post your thoughts there.
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Special thanks to TWG for helping make the CanCon Podcast happen!

CanCon Podcast Episode 45 (12/6/16)
SaaS North
SaaS North is the destination for Canada’s growing SaaS community
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Last year’s interview with Ben Yoskovitz
Canadian Content music clip (under fair dealing): “Shake Your Boots” by StillNative